The inaugural Grand American Barbecue World Championship (the “Grand Am”) is coming to Port Jervis, New York, on August 2-3, 2025. This free 2-day outdoor barbecue festival will feature great BBQ, live music, beer, and all things BBQ, as well as a diversity of other service and product vendors. We expect 6,000+ attendees in the first year, but recent festivals at this location have hosted more than 18,000 attendees!

What makes this BBQ festival unique is that the Grand Am will host dozens of world-class BBQ teams from across the United States, as well as international champions – all vying for the title of Grand Am World Champion!! Festival attendees will have exclusive opportunities to interact directly with teams and learn more about competition BBQ.

This event is co-produced by Great Events USA and New Century Enterprise. Vendors are limited at the producers’ discretion.


  • Exclusive new BBQ festival in southern New York that will be marketed from Albany to Newark/NYC plus eastern Pennsylvania

  • Live music all day and night

  • Kid’s Area with lots of fun activities

  • Demonstration Area where vendors can conduct cooking demonstrations

  • Dining/Shade tent and state fair style BBQ vendors

  • Vendors can select their own sites on the printed application; fees depend on site size and inclusions

  • In addition to Event Fee, vendors must obtain appropriate state & county permits/licenses


August 2-3, 2025

THU (7/31/2025)               8:00am-4:00pm                 Event Set-up

FRI (8/1/2025)                   8:00am-8:00pm                 Event Set-up

SAT (8/2/2025)                 7:00am-9:00am                  Event Set-up; All vehicles removed from event space by 9am

                                              9:00am-11:00am                NO VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ENTRY INTO THE FIELDS

                                              11:00am-9:00pm               Event Hours

SUN (8/3/2025)                 7:00am-9:00am                 Reprovisioning; All vehicles removed from event space by 9am

                                               9:00am-11:00am               NO VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ENTRY INTO THE FIELDS

                                               11:00am-8:00pm               Event Hours

                                                8:30pm-11:30pm               Event Breakdown; Vehicles may not move until Police approval

MON (8/4/2025)               7:00am-12:00pm               Event Breakdown

Estimated Attendance

2025 will be the inaugural Grand Am Barbecue Festival, but based on attendance at previous regional barbecue festivals such as Hudson Valley Ribfest, we anticipate 7,500+ Weekend Attendees (4,000+ SAT / 3,500+ SUN). The 2024 Moon Festival held at this location brought in 16,000+ attendees.


Food Vendor – Bare Site includes Electric hook-up and Water access

  • Large BBQ Vendor (LIMIT 2) – 40’ wide x 30’ deep, 50 amp 210 volt, access to Grease Waste and Graywater Waste Containers $2,000 base fee + $500 for each $5,000 in sales after $20,000 gross sales with a cap of $3,500 total fees (i.e. $25,000 gross sales = $2,000 base fee + $500 toward cap)

  • Small BBQ Vendor (LIMIT 2) – 30’ wide x 20’ deep, 30 amp 120 volt, access to Grease Waste and Graywater Waste Containers $500 base fee + $250 for each $2,500 in sales after $5,000 gross sales with a cap of $1,250 total fees (i.e. $7,500 gross sales = $500 base fee + $250 toward cap)

  • Non-BBQ Food (LIMIT 2) – 30’ wide x 20’ deep, 30 amp 120 volt $550

  • Dessert / Sides (LIMIT 4) – 30’ wide x 20’ deep, 30 amp 120 volt $550

Premium Sites – Bare Site including 20 amp 120 volt Electric Hook-up, located along main entrance/exit

  • 20’ x 20’ $475

  • 10’ x 10’ $375

Standard Sites – Bare Site WITHOUT Electric Hook-up

  • 10’ x 10’ $325


Email for more information

Complete the following online application or download and submit the PRINTED APPLICATION. A Nonrefundable $175 deposit is required to hold your spot.


  • VENDOR AGREEMENT: Grand Am BBQ Festival

    As a condition of participation in the Grand American Barbecue World Championship (equally listed as “Grand Am”, “Event” or “Festival”), Vendor agrees to the following:

    1. LOCATION: Festival shall take place at the following outdoor location: New Century Festival, 517 Neversink Drive, Port Jervis, NY 12771.

    2. PRODUCER: Festival is co-produced by Great Events USA LLC and New Century Enterprise (individually and collectively “Event Producer”).

    3. ACCEPTANCE: Vendor acceptance into Festival is based on a first-come basis; a $175 nonrefundable deposit will hold Vendor’s space and any exclusivity. Previous Vendors receive first rights of refusal until January 31, after which new Vendors will be accepted. Event Producer reserves the final right of refusal to any and all Vendors. Vendor application will only be considered if completed in full. Festival will attempt to limit the number of Vendors selling similar items to minimize competition but no exclusivity is promised. Similar non-Food Vendor types will be separated where possible. Vendor fees are based on the amount of space taken. Fees are to be paid in full prior to the event date and are nonrefundable.

    At the end of the event, BBQ Food Vendors will share their gross sales receipts with Event Producer. For all sales in excess of the posted values below, BBQ Food Vendor will pay an additional profit share to Event Producer, with such payment on-site in cash, business check, credit card, or post-event by Paypal or credit card invoice.

    a)       Large BBQ Vendor – for each $5,000 in sales after $20,000 gross sales, BBQ Vendor will pay $500 in profit share, up to a cap of $3,500 total fees.

    b)      Small BBQ Vendor – for each $2,500 in sales after $5,000 gross sales, BBQ Vendor will pay $250 in profit share, up to a cap of $1,250 total fees.

    4. CANCELLATION TERMS: Festival takes place rain or shine, with no “Rain Delay” scheduled. Event Producer may cancel Festival in whole or in part. In the event of a full cancellation, Vendors shall be refunded their entry fees no later than November 1, 2025. In the event of partial cancellation, no refund will be provided. “Cancellation” shall mean that Vendor has no opportunity to make any sales due to Event Producer’s actions – not due to weather conditions. Event Producer does not guarantee a particular number of attendees or exhibitors.

    5. EVENT SCHEDULE: Vendors shall use the following Event schedule to set up, be open for business during main Event hours, reprovision, and breakdown. Any Vendor who is not open during main Event hours will not be invited back.

    Grand Am BBQ Festival: August 2-3, 2025

    THU (7/31/2025)

    8:00am-4:00pm — Event Set-up

    FRI (8/1/2025)

    8:00am-8:00pm — Event Set-up

    SAT (8/2/2025)

    7:00am-9:00am — Event Set-up; All vehicles removed from event space by 9am


    11:00am-9:00pm — Event Hours

    SUN (8/3/2025)

    7:00am-9:00am — Reprovisioning; All vehicles removed from event space by 9am


    11:00am-8:00pm — Event Hours

    8:30pm-11:30pm — Event Breakdown; Vehicles may not move until Police approval

    MON (8/4/2025)

    7:00am-12:00pm — Event Breakdown

    6. SET-UP PERIOD: Event will be open for set-up ONLY during the time periods specified above, and non-vending vehicles will be removed from the festival grounds to adjacent vendor parking at least two hours prior to each day’s event opening. Vendors with larger rigs are recommended to arrive early.

    7. REPROVISIONING PERIOD: Vendors may replenish food or other materials ONLY during the time periods specified above. No vehicles will be allowed access on-site outside these times without Event Producer’s prior consent. All product deliveries must be in the name of the Vendor and not in the name of Festival.

    8. BREAKDOWN PERIOD: Vendors agree that they will not break down their exhibit space any earlier than the time periods specified above. No vehicles may move inside or into the Event grounds until ALL attendees have vacated the Event grounds. Vendors have the option of leaving their materials overnight, and then finalizing breakdown from 7am-12pm (noon) on Monday, August 4, 2025. All items must be removed by 12pm Monday. If Vendor leaves any items behind in their exhibit space, they will be assessed a $150 Waste Removal Fee against their credit card on file and may forfeit future participation. Vendors agree to abide by Event Producer’s directions to ensure a safe and successful breakdown period, and understand that a limited number of Vendors may be allowed into the Event grounds at a time.

    9. PROPANE TANKS: Any vendor who makes arrangements for propane tank delivery must have the tanks removed from the Festival grounds by 12pm (noon) on Monday, August 4, 2025. Event Producer will assess Vendor with a $500 Hazardous Waste Removal Fee per tank against their credit card on file for any tanks not removed by this time, and Vendor also will be responsible for any fees charged by propane provider. Vendor agrees to locate tanks within the bounds of their site upon their departure.

    10. BREAD RACKS: Any vendor who makes arrangements for delivery of bread and/or other bakery items that entail the use of plastic bread racks must have the containers removed from the Festival grounds by 12pm (noon) on Monday, August 4, 2025. Any plastic bread racks not removed by this time will be removed and destroyed, and Vendor also will be responsible for any fees charged by the bakery. Vendor agrees to locate bread racks within the bounds of their site upon their departure.

    11. BASIC AMENITIES: Festival will provide the following amenities based on Vendor type as part of the basic fee:

    a)       WATER: Potable water will be provided at a location (or series of locations) for the exclusive use of all Food Vendors. Water will be available no later than 2:00pm Thursday, July 31, 2025, and will remain available until at least 7:00pm Sunday, August 3, 2025. Vendors agree to hold Event Producer harmless for any unexpected disruption in water service during the Festival. Vendors agree to transport water at their expense and with their labor, and to ensure safe transportation of any water, and the safety and purity of the water during transportation including use of sanitary hoses, T-sections, etc.

    b)      GREASE WASTE CONTAINER: BBQ Food Vendors will be supplied access to a grease waste container, and agree to use the tank only for its intended purpose, and not to use the tank for graywater or any other non-grease waste.

    c)       GRAYWATER WASTE CONTAINER: BBQ Food Vendors will be supplied access to a graywater waste container, and agree to dispose of all graywater from their production into the tank. Weather permitting, Event Producer will empty graywater waste containers on Saturday afternoon and/or Sunday morning. Vendor agrees to not discharge any graywater to any area, other than the approved graywater waste container.

    d)      RUBBISH / TRASH DISPOSAL: Event Producer will supply dumpsters located within a central location for rubbish/trash disposal. All Vendors agree to haul any rubbish from their site to the dumpsters at Vendor’s expense and labor. Non-motorized carriers must be used during Festival open hours, but motorized carriers may be used after Festival hours.

    e)      PORTALETS: Event Producer will provide Portalets in a central location for the use of all attendees, including All Vendors. Private Portalets may be ordered by any vendor for an additional fee.

    f)        LIGHTING: General premises lighting is provided throughout the Festival grounds. Vendors may supplement lighting for their site at their own expense.

    12. UPGRADED AMENITIES: Festival will provide the following upgraded amenities to sites as specified in application:

    a)       ELECTRICAL SERVICE: Event Producer will offer a variety of electrical options, as shown on the application, and locate the connection within 100’ of Vendor’s site. Power will be available no later than 2:00pm Thursday, July 31, 2025, and will remain available until at least 8:00pm Sunday, August 3, 2025. Vendors agree to hold Event Producer harmless for any unexpected disruption in electrical service during the Festival or for any malfunction of Vendor’s equipment due to such disruption, including any personal or property damage that may result. Vendors agree to supply protection (through the use of surge protectors, battery backup systems or similar) for any sensitive electrical equipment, and to make Event Producer aware of such devices. Vendor also agrees to discontinue use of such protective devices if it interferes with the Festival’s electrical service.

    b)      PORTALETS: Vendors may order private Portalets through the order form for an additional fee. The Portalet will be placed inside or within reasonably close proximity to Vendor’s site. Vendor agrees to control access to the Portalet using their own lock mechanism and holds Event Producer harmless for any unauthorized access. Vendor agrees to not dispose of any vending waste – including but not limited to graywater, grease and /or rubbish – into the Portalet. Lock must be removed before final departure.

    c)       SUPPLY TRUCK ON-SITE: If Vendor requires a supply truck to remain on-site over the weekend for restocking purposes, they must pay an additional fee if the supply truck is not located within the boundaries of their paid space.

    d)      RV PARKING ON-SITE: Event Producer will allow a limited number of Vendor RVs to park on-site over the weekend, at an additional fee. A limited number of 20amp 110v electric hook-ups may be available on a first-come basis, but RVs may also use generators overnight. No sewage hook-ups will be provided, so all RVs must hold graywater and waste for disposal off-site. Camping on the Festival grounds is a privilege, so overnight campers are expected to keep their sites clean, and to adhere to quiet hours. Anyone not following these rules will be asked to leave and find alternate accommodations, without refund, and at their own expense.

    13. INSURANCE: Food Vendor shall carry general casualty liability and property damage insurance coverage (including premises, operations and contractual liability) of at least $1,000,000 for such liability together with statutory worker’s compensation coverage with a limit of at least $100,000. Certificates of Liability Insurance shall name (2) added insureds: 1) Great Events USA LLC, 65 Stowe St., Waterbury VT 05676; and 2) New Century Enterprise, 517 Neversink Dr, Port Jervis, NY 12771. All required certificates (copies) must be submitted by July 5, 2025. Event Producer shall carry festival insurance at Event Producer’s expense.

    14. LICENSES/PERMITS: All Vendors are responsible for obtaining and making available at their designated booth for inspection upon request during festival hours, all required licenses and permits, both State and County, in order to be in compliance with all laws, regulations and ordinances. Obtaining these licenses and permits, as well as any associated fees, are the sole responsibility of the Vendor.

    a)       Food Vendors must obtain a Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit from the Orange County (NY) Department of Health  – -- Phone: 845/360-6600 – SUBMIT BY JUNE 15, 2025

    b)      All Vendors selling taxable items must determine whether they need a State of New York Tax ID number – see: -- SUBMIT BY JUNE 15, 2025

    a.       In-State Vendors who are located within New York should already have an NY Tax ID number.

    b.       Out-of-State Vendors only need to obtain an NY Tax ID if they have sold $500,000+ of gross receipts from sales of property into New York AND 100+ sales transactions in New York.

    15. INSPECTIONS: Beginning 2:00pm Friday, August 1, 2025, and continuing through 10:00am Saturday, August 2 – or any time designated for inspections – the Orange County Health Inspector may inspect Food Vendor sites as soon as Vendor indicates their readiness for said inspection. Any Food Vendor who is not ready by this period WILL NOT be allowed to vend, and no refund of fees will be offered. Food Vendors are required to have passed a health inspection by Orange County and display their certificate within public sight for the duration of the Festival. All Vendors also acknowledge that health and safety inspectors may periodically inspect Vendor’s premises to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations. If at any time inspectors or Event Producer deem Vendor is out of compliance, Vendor will not be allowed to continue participation in Festival until such time as they bring themselves into compliance and pass the inspector’s test. Such suspension does not entitle Vendor to a refund of any fee.

    16. ICE: Ice will be offered for sale during Festival from a central location.

    17. BEVERAGE RESTRICTIONS: No alcoholic beverages of any sort will be sold or distributed by anyone other than Event Producer or designated entity. No outside alcoholic beverages may be brought into the Event grounds. Non-alcoholic beverages may be sold or distributed by any Vendor.

    18. PRICING RESTRICTIONS: Rising attendee costs for previous BBQ Festivals in the region have led to a decline in consumer attendance and ultimate closure. In an effort to make the event more family friendly, Event Producer requests that no Food Vendor may sell a single plate at more than $16; combo plates may be priced higher, but All Vendors are asked not to hyper-inflate their prices.

    19. SMOKING: Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted at any time on the Festival grounds, including during set-up and breakdown periods. A designated smoking area will be located outside the Festival grounds.

    20. PETS: Household pets are not allowed within the Event area, but active service animals are welcome.

    21. ITEM RESTRICTIONS: All items sold, represented or distributed are subject to approval of Event Producer. No flammable items, hazardous materials, weapons, controlled substances or similar materials will be permitted.

    22. NOISE LEVELS: Noise levels shall be limited to 65 decibels at limit of vendor space. Vendors may be asked to lower or discontinue any music if it conflicts with the music stage. In the event of such restriction or removal, Event Producer shall not be liable for any refunds or other vendor expenses.

    23. SECURITY: Event Producer will provide an overnight watch Friday night to Monday morning. Items are at risk as the overnight watch is a theft deterrent and not armed security. To minimize theft or damage, all vendor items left overnight must be tarped and secured under tents.

    24. RECORDINGS: Vendor hereby grants permission for Event Producer and/or agents authorized by them to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings and any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.

    25. SITE CONDITIONS: Vendors shall continually police their area for safe and sanitary conditions. At the conclusion of the event, each Vendor shall be responsible for their own trash removal and shall restore the area to an acceptable condition, as inspected by a designee of Event Producer. Vendor will remove waste from within their space, and place in the nearest dumpster located on the event site. Vendors who do not comply with this request may forfeit future participation or may be assessed a waste removal fee as appropriate.

    26. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Vendor is responsible for researching and complying with all permits, fees, licenses and any other requirements as outlined by the State of New York, Orange County (NY) Health Department, the fire marshal / safety officer and all other local, county, state and federal agencies. Vendor is responsible for paying any applicable New York State Sales Tax.

    27. HOLD HARMLESS: In recognition that there may be some risk, injury or property damage in such an undertaking at Festival, Vendor releases and holds harmless Event Producer and any and all of their members/officers for any and all liability for injury or damages to the Vendor, or which may result from their participation, or which may occur to third parties by the act(s) of the Vendor, their employees or agents. No action will be asserted or maintained against Event Producer or any and all of their members/officers as a result of any occurrence in any way with Festival. Further, Vendor shall defend any action so asserted or maintained arising out of any action taken by the Vendor, their employees or agents.

    28. LIABILITY: As between the parties, each party shall be solely responsible for any and all liability arising from personal Injury, including death, or damage to property arising from the act or failure to act of the Respective Party or of its officials, Agents and Employees pursuant to this agreement.

    29. CAUSE FOR REMOVAL: Event Producer reserves the right to restrict or remove vendors who – because of noise, method of operation, materials or for any other reason – become objectionable, and also to prohibit or to remove any vendors who, in the sole opinion of Event Producer, may detract from the general character of Festival as a whole, or whose products or services are inconsistent with the purpose of the Festival. In the event of such restriction or removal, Event Producer shall determine whether any refunds are due or warranted.

After completing Vendor Application, you need to pay for your space — CLICK BELOW to pay in full or a nonrefundable deposit




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